Westside Music Festival: a thank you to all who contributed

To all of you who contributed to our first annual Westside Music Festival: THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!

What an absolutely FABULOUS event our Westside Music Festival turned out to be!!! The sun came out just in time to smile on our first set of music and everyone who showed up seemed to have a wonderful time. It was truly a memorable day.

And the Festival was more successful than our highest expectations! According to the preliminary tally, we should gross over $11,000!! That will certainly help Resolana make a difference in the lives of women at Dallas County Jail.

My deepest personal thanks to each of you who worked SO hard make this event happen!!  It was incredible to see everyone pooling together their time, talent, resources and dedication — power-washing the site, donating auction items, (wo)maning a booth, performing beautiful music, painting and taking pictures, finding sponsors, making signs, sending out press releases, selling tickets. There are far too many contributions and contributors to name. Even the women at the Jail made posters and said prayers that the event would be a success.  Special thanks to Fran Tynan, Erin Fincher, Suzanne Enck-Wanzer and the amazing Festival steering committee. You rock!

In case you missed it, the Oak Cliff People visited the jail a week before the festival and mentioned Resolana on their blog and did a wonderful story about Resolana that came out the day before the Festival.  Here is a scan of the article –photos are at http://www.oakcliffpeople.com/photo-gallery/ but there doesn’t seem to be a way to access the article itself online.   There is also a short video segment that features our amazing Resolana dance team:

Bette Buschow


One Response to “Westside Music Festival: a thank you to all who contributed”

  1. Westside Music Festival in images « Resolana Says:

    […] working to empower women to break the cycle of incarceration « Westside Music Festival: a thank you to all who contributed The cost of freedom […]

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